Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Hollowed Halls of...

...Vassar! Sorry Harvard.

Okay, so its 11:20 at night so i'm making this quick. i was going to do a spaz entry but then i realized i was visiting a college today so i'm writing about that instead. Then i was planning about writing about it tmr, but i'm seeing TWO colleges, so it would be way too much.

Anyway, enough time wasted! Lets get going.

The place is GORGEOUS. This was one of those REALLY old schools that was founded around the same times as Yale (which it almost merged with) and those other old schools. The architecture was very intact with what it probably was like more than 100 years ago and even the dorms and interior designing is very old fashions. I think i was gaping at the beautiful buildings more than listening to the actual tour guide who is a drama major.

The drama program is pretty active, especially for a BA so that was impressive. And since is was a liberal arts college this is pretty flexible. I would almost REALLY want to go here. The down side? Its a little TOO small and secluded for my taste. And the surrounding down isn't much to look at. I'd rather move back to Edison.

Right now... a little lower on my college food chain because its academic standards are pretty up there and i'd rather concentrate those on a certain different liberal arts school. But I really like it here, more than the West coast or Midwest (maybe just my NY pride).

Not really considering it. But we'll see. And now the highlight of the tour: the 2 Ivys. Here about them tmr!

Peace out,

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Going Blue and Trojans

Once again, I'm referring to colleges, not anything else that might pop into your mind.

I intended to do UMich right after i went but it was a long day and i didn't feel like it. So today's a bit of a treat as I evaluate both UMich and USC. This again is only meant to record my initial impressions of the college. I do not mean to offend any institution or anyone who goes there.

SOOO. For UMich, all i can say is... its BIG. like... REALLY BIG. There wasn't really much specially about then environment as UMich was a public university after all. I did get to stop by the Northern Campus to pick up an info packet on the MT program there (mostly brag sheet but i was impressed anyway). I couldn't get an appointment with the MT department anyway. For some reason the parents absolutely DESPISE the midwest (for... well i would put it as "pre-judicial" reasons) and suggest i don't apply at all. For me, i don't really mind the super big-campus and the Ann Arbor area, mostly because the quality of the MT program far outweighs the other parts of school. Parents seem more concerned about my social-cultural life there (which still is a valid reason). I'm still probably going to apply.

Overall UMich impression: Average public university in a town dominated by well... michigan people (limited diversity). Huge campus concerns over low level of intimacy. However high quality MT/drama program and academic strength/flexibility as a whole makes it worth apply for. Basically, "meh" physical qualities, thumbs up for program/academic qualities.

And again, school spirit is evident (Northwestern was the purple school, UMich is the blue one)

So after arriving in Cali the following day i went to USC, home of the Trojans (and another school who used to be the Methodists lol).

Sadly i could only book a campus tour instead of encountering the theater department and info session like i wanted, but the tour guide was one of the best I've seen so far as it was actually interesting and did a good job delivering info FAST but clearly. And... well i admit he was kinda hot :D. Although now i feel kinda shallow cuz I don't remember his name (except his last name which i was either Edward or Edwards). Cute tour guides aside, USC was a VERY nice campus. It wasn't too big or too small and they theater programs are one of the top in the nation (probably from being in LA). Plus, like... 10 seniors this year are going there and many claimed it was their first choice. I admit not wanting to consider California just because it was so far from home on the East Coast but after seeing USC i might be taking that thought back.

Overall USC impression: Extremely diverse, so high cultural qualities and very well rounded. Just right-campus size with nice environment. Strong theater program however only minor in MT. Very, west coast feel (its hard to explain, if you're from the east coast you'll know what i mean). I'm very happy about it and it may be one of my top target schools

Wow that was a lot. Have fun reading. Now i shall play addicting games with Brian.

Peace Out,

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Purple University

And no, i'm not talking about NYU (for those who are familiar, purple is the color of NYU's symbol). I'm talking about Northwestern University in Evanston IL. Pretty much most of today was dedicated to that. Jetlag was starting to kick in so when we were going through info session I had to kick my parents as well as myself to keep from nodding off. Pretty much like any other college tour so i'm just going to talk about some highlights:

  • The rock that apparently gets painted everyday. Started off the size of the fist and now its like... something you can climb on
  • Tour guide named Jory Gomeranz (i'm not sure the last name was right). Attempted to full of lame puns and jokes (like how their old mascot used to be the Fighting Methodists... ._. ...) He was so awkward he was funny. For the first 20 minutes.
  • Being constantly reminded that Zach Braff graduated from here :D
  • Big campus that stretches across Evanston.
  • They're school spirit is pretty evident. There is purple EVERYWHERE.

And i booked a Theater tour, which was especially catered toward interested Theater majors. We had a rather spunky tour guide there who was pretty enthusiastic about the program. Highlights include:

  • A bunch of prestigious names popped up associated with the theater program like... Anna Shapiro (tony-winning directer of August County Osage) who teaches there, David Schwimmer (lol), Brian Darcy James , Heather Heady, etc. And a bunch of other really talented and strong people that teach at the school.
  • An impressive and active theater that seats around 400 people. Its times like these that I realize how friggin' big the PAC is at our school.
  • Musical theater certificate program.
  • One con: no acting freshman year.
  • One pro: many double major/minor due to BA nature.

Overall thoughts: Solid BA theater program in a college close to Chicago with opportunity to apply to musical theater certificate. Plenty of opportunities in a comparatively non-competitive environment. Def. one of my top BA choices.

Just got to Ann Arbor. Drove for 4 hours. New time change. New jetlag. UMich college tour @ 10 in the morning. Must sleep now.

Peace out,

Sunday, June 13, 2010

"Chicago, Chicago..."

Okay, not really, more like Evanston. But regardless of where i am in Illinois one thing's for sure: I'M BACK IN THE US!!!

I'm actually not that jetlag mostly judging from my sleepyness right now (and its about 10 pm here in Chic- i mean Evanston). But it's going to catch up on me tmr.

After a wonderfully "comfortable" plane ride with a guy's reading light shining in my face, i collapsed in the Hilton and the first thing i thought when I walked into the room was "DAMN this is big!" Especially the fact that we're only staying in it 2 days. So we decided to walkout on our own to have dinner. Since it's Sunday most of them were closed early, so after strolling for 2 blocks and mentally remembering where the closest Barnes and Noble is (right across the street :D) and ate in a trendy Japanese restaurant next to the hotel called Futari. It was EXTREMELY good and i can't explain how happy I am to find decent Japanese food. I should have brought my camera cuz the rolls they made were also pretty and presented very well.

After stocking up on roadtrip food in CVS (we're driving straight to Ann Arbor after visiting Northwestern), I found a place that sold something i had not had in a VERY long time: frozen custard. A place called "Andy's" sold this really nice frozen custard and I downed a cup in like... 5 minutes. Anyone who is lactose intolerant I salute you for having the willpower to not each dairy products.

To sum it up, if you come up to Evanston, go eat at Andy's and Futari. Really, GO.

I'll be back in Evanston on Tuesday so i should be able to get some pictures of the place to make this block of text more interesting. Otherwise, its off to Northwestern tmr (2 blocks away from the hotel :D) then driving off to Ann Arbor to see UMich the following day!

Peace Out,


PS Changed time and date of blog entries to US time, EST because i'll be there for the majority of the summer.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

bloglovin' code post

Follow my blog with bloglovin

ignore this

Pack up your apples girls...

M... and head back to the tree

Kudos if you got the Gypsy reference.

So, while I should be stuffing various junk into my backpack i'm here wasting my time. I would have loved to show what the room looks like right now (I'm sitting on a knee-high pile of old papers as i type) but sadly my mother has already decided to pack the camera.

Aside from the lovely mess I was sorting through my old music from last year's Broadway Conservatory and I found Side Show's "Who Will Love Me As I Am". I decided to further procrastinate packing by rewatching the fierce duo Emily Skinner and Alice Ripley sing the same song. Ah Alice, we will miss you and your belt after you leave Next to Normal. Emily Skinner needs to be in more shows.

Fairy-belt mothers aside (ha ha, Battery's Down reference), my otaku side has currently reemerged after watching a video of the insanely talented Mamoru Miyano (宮野真守). For those sleeping under a rock in the world of anime, this Seiyuu has done a huge number of voices, including 2 of my favorite characters Suoh Tamaki (from Ouran Host Club) and Light Yagami (from Death Note). Yes... they are the same person. It takes talent to play a love-sick blond and a psychopath killer at the same time. See it for yourself:

Plus, he's HOT to boot :D. Since I watched Ouran first I could NOT take Light seriously cuz all that was popping into my head was a sappy french blond. Then i tried to watch Ouran again after Death Note, which resulted in some serious mental scarring.

Oh, and he's the voice of Death the Kid from SoulEater (another anime i should get to finishing). Go wiki him. Aya Hirano (平野 綾) is also another seiyuu (girl) that i've been obsessing over, but that will be saved for a later post (maybe when I rewatch Suzumiya Haruhi sometime soon).

Mother just called from afar after noticing the silence from this room. I should actually get to putting away the stack of papers i'm sitting on.

Flying out tomorrow to Chicago. Praying that the hotel wi-fi will suffice (and give me uncensored internet for the first time in 9 months!!!)

Peace out,

Friday, June 11, 2010


The title's mostly an homage to Legally Blonde the Musical which I am listening to and hopelessly addicted to right now. Its like one of those musicals that you want to hate cuz its campy, but SO CAMPY that its actually catchy.

OBC starring Christian Borle (Emmett Forrest) and Laura Bell Bundy (Elle). And for those who don't know, Borle is currently in Mary Poppins as Bert, which makes me want to see it again just because he's in it. But right now I'm obsessing over different Emmett Forrest: Noah Weisberg. He was in the OBC as Aaron (the "How man yachts can one man own" dude in the song Harvard Variations) but i managed to snag the show he went on as Emmett and I've thoroughly fallen in love with him and his hair. Yes, his hair. He's so adorkable I just want to hug him. Oh and he's TALENTED. I had a couple of laughs listening to him sing "The Understudy Blues".

Noah, if for some strange reason you come across this, I hope you are not offended by anything i have said here because you are awesome :D.

The wonderful Annaleigh Ashford, who originated Margot (and who I had great fortune of seeing as Glinda in Chicago's Wicked) understudied Elle. At one show Noah and Anna went on as the leads together. These are 2 performers I absolutely love and if anyone has THAT show with the 2 of them as Emmett and Elle, PLEASE leave me a comment.

Legally Blonde closed on Broadway almost a year and a half ago, so this is technically old news for some people. But the National Tour is going on so check out the website here and go see it if they head your way. It’s a great musical to get stuck in your head... really... especially funny seeing the look on your friends' faces when you break out into "Bend and Snap"

I can't post any links right now cuz proxy had issues and i had to delete it. So bad proxy right now.

edit: 10:05 pm- Proxy up and working again but still has some issues. Added in links :)

And that’s my obsession rant for today. I think i lost a little bit of my dignity there ha ha. For non-MT people out there, don't worry, I will be speaking in normal english in posts to come :D On another note, I shall be leaving for Chicago the day after tomorrow. The start of an intense week of college roadtrips. Oh joy… Wish me luck!

Peace out,

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hard-drive backups are slow...

Have to wait till mom's hard drive is done backing up... then i'm allowed to sleep just because she doesn't know how to work the computer no matter how many times i teach her ha ha.

I pity the technologically impaired :)

First Post

Hi! So yeah... i'm kinda new to the scene and i want to start a blog to keep up with the journey to my senior year start with the summer of 2010!

Hopefully not only will I be document what I've been doing over the summer, but also get to do a bit of fun stuff to get more people to read, such as talking about random obsessions like TV shows (GLEE!!!!), musical theater/theater, anime, and maybe some vlogging (once i get the hang of normal blogging.

Otherwise, sitback, and hopefully this will be the start of a wonderful time waster over the summer! But not just a time waster, but a time waster worth reading!

Peace out,

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