Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Purple University

And no, i'm not talking about NYU (for those who are familiar, purple is the color of NYU's symbol). I'm talking about Northwestern University in Evanston IL. Pretty much most of today was dedicated to that. Jetlag was starting to kick in so when we were going through info session I had to kick my parents as well as myself to keep from nodding off. Pretty much like any other college tour so i'm just going to talk about some highlights:

  • The rock that apparently gets painted everyday. Started off the size of the fist and now its like... something you can climb on
  • Tour guide named Jory Gomeranz (i'm not sure the last name was right). Attempted to full of lame puns and jokes (like how their old mascot used to be the Fighting Methodists... ._. ...) He was so awkward he was funny. For the first 20 minutes.
  • Being constantly reminded that Zach Braff graduated from here :D
  • Big campus that stretches across Evanston.
  • They're school spirit is pretty evident. There is purple EVERYWHERE.

And i booked a Theater tour, which was especially catered toward interested Theater majors. We had a rather spunky tour guide there who was pretty enthusiastic about the program. Highlights include:

  • A bunch of prestigious names popped up associated with the theater program like... Anna Shapiro (tony-winning directer of August County Osage) who teaches there, David Schwimmer (lol), Brian Darcy James , Heather Heady, etc. And a bunch of other really talented and strong people that teach at the school.
  • An impressive and active theater that seats around 400 people. Its times like these that I realize how friggin' big the PAC is at our school.
  • Musical theater certificate program.
  • One con: no acting freshman year.
  • One pro: many double major/minor due to BA nature.

Overall thoughts: Solid BA theater program in a college close to Chicago with opportunity to apply to musical theater certificate. Plenty of opportunities in a comparatively non-competitive environment. Def. one of my top BA choices.

Just got to Ann Arbor. Drove for 4 hours. New time change. New jetlag. UMich college tour @ 10 in the morning. Must sleep now.

Peace out,


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