Friday, June 11, 2010


The title's mostly an homage to Legally Blonde the Musical which I am listening to and hopelessly addicted to right now. Its like one of those musicals that you want to hate cuz its campy, but SO CAMPY that its actually catchy.

OBC starring Christian Borle (Emmett Forrest) and Laura Bell Bundy (Elle). And for those who don't know, Borle is currently in Mary Poppins as Bert, which makes me want to see it again just because he's in it. But right now I'm obsessing over different Emmett Forrest: Noah Weisberg. He was in the OBC as Aaron (the "How man yachts can one man own" dude in the song Harvard Variations) but i managed to snag the show he went on as Emmett and I've thoroughly fallen in love with him and his hair. Yes, his hair. He's so adorkable I just want to hug him. Oh and he's TALENTED. I had a couple of laughs listening to him sing "The Understudy Blues".

Noah, if for some strange reason you come across this, I hope you are not offended by anything i have said here because you are awesome :D.

The wonderful Annaleigh Ashford, who originated Margot (and who I had great fortune of seeing as Glinda in Chicago's Wicked) understudied Elle. At one show Noah and Anna went on as the leads together. These are 2 performers I absolutely love and if anyone has THAT show with the 2 of them as Emmett and Elle, PLEASE leave me a comment.

Legally Blonde closed on Broadway almost a year and a half ago, so this is technically old news for some people. But the National Tour is going on so check out the website here and go see it if they head your way. It’s a great musical to get stuck in your head... really... especially funny seeing the look on your friends' faces when you break out into "Bend and Snap"

I can't post any links right now cuz proxy had issues and i had to delete it. So bad proxy right now.

edit: 10:05 pm- Proxy up and working again but still has some issues. Added in links :)

And that’s my obsession rant for today. I think i lost a little bit of my dignity there ha ha. For non-MT people out there, don't worry, I will be speaking in normal english in posts to come :D On another note, I shall be leaving for Chicago the day after tomorrow. The start of an intense week of college roadtrips. Oh joy… Wish me luck!

Peace out,


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